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in any case中文是什么意思

用"in any case"造句"in any case"怎么读"in any case" in a sentence"in any case"的同义词


  • 不管怎样无论如何
  • 尽管如此,无论如何
  • 如果这样的话
  • 是能够被
  • 无论如何总之
  • 无论如何,在任何情况下
  • 总之,无论如何
  • "any"中文翻译    adj. 1.〔用于疑问句、否定句、条件子句中,或用于肯 ...
  • "case"中文翻译    n. 1.箱,盒。 2.鞘,袋,套子,壳,罩,容器。 3 ...
  • "at any rate in any event in any case" 中文翻译 :    不管怎样如
  • "generally or in any particular case" 中文翻译 :    一般地或在任何个别情况下
  • "any" 中文翻译 :    adj. 1.〔用于疑问句、否定句、条件子句中,或用于肯定句但与含有疑问、否定意义的词连用〕什么,一些,一点。 Have you any book to read 你有什么可读的书吗? If there arise any difficulty, send for me. 有什么麻烦找我好了。 I cannot see any difference. 我一点差别也看不出。 2.〔通常重读,多用于肯定句〕任何,随便哪一个,每一个。 Any child knows that … 任何孩子都知道…。 You may call any day you please. 随便哪天来都可以。 3.一般的,普通的。 We don't accept just any students. 我们并不收一般的学生〔只收高材生〕。 You are not just any girl. 你和一般女子就是不一样。 4.〔与单数名词连用,代替 a, an, one〕 一个。 This bucket is useless - it hasn't any handle. 这桶没啥用场--它没有桶柄。 pron. 〔sing., pl.〕 哪个,无论哪个,任何,(无论)多少。 Choose any of these books. 这些书随便挑哪本好了。 Do any of you know 你们当中,有谁知道吗? Keep the apple, I don't want any. 把苹果收起来,我不要吃。 A- is better than none. 有总比没有好。 adv. 一些,少许,略微,稍微。 〔常与比较级连用〕。 Is he any better today 他今天好些吗? Did she cry any? 她一点没有哭吗? Any and every 统统,全体 (any and every book in this library 这个图书馆里的全部藏书)。 Any amount [number] 许多,很多 (“Have you any salt” 你有盐吗? “Any amount.” 啊,有的是)。 Any longer 再 (I don't drink any longer. 我不再喝酒了)。 Any more 再;更 (I won't smoke any more. 我不再抽烟了)。 Any old 任何…都 (A- old colour will do. 任何颜色都好)。 Any one 随便哪一个 (You may take any one of these. 任择其一)。 Any time 无论何时,随便什么时候 (You are welcome any time. 无论何时,你都受欢迎)。 At any cost 无论如何,必得,非要 (The stolen painting must be recovered at any cost. 无论如何要把被盗的画找回来)。 At any rate 好歹,总之,无论如何;至少 (The firm has done much better this year than last at any rate, so I am told by one of the staff. 这家公司今年比去年好,至少我是听一位职工这样说的)。 If any 若有;即使有也(极少) (There is little (water), if any. 水吗大概没有)。 In any case 横竖,总之 (In any case you had better hear what your wife has to say. 总之,你最好听你妻子的话)。 Of any 在所有的…之中 (the biggest war of any since 1946 1946年以来最大的一次战争)。 Scarcely any 几乎没有,少有。
  • "any on" 中文翻译 :    任何一个
  • "are there any" 中文翻译 :    有...吗?
  • "if any" 中文翻译 :    即便要; 如果有的话,即使有; 若有的话
  • "not any" 中文翻译 :    一定会被
  • "of any" 中文翻译 :    在所有的...当中
  • "any any" 中文翻译 :    不定量的
  • "any to any" 中文翻译 :    电子商务的一种形式; 任意至任意
  • "as in the case with" 中文翻译 :    与...的情况一样
  • "be the case" 中文翻译 :    情况属实
  • "case" 中文翻译 :    CASE =computer-aided software engineering 【计算机】计算机辅助软件工程。 n. 1.情况,状况;真相。 2.(实)例,事例。 3.诉讼(事件),案件,判例;问题。 4.立场,主张;论据,论辩。 5.病症;病例;病人,患者。 6.〔美口〕怪人;迷恋(的对象)。 7.【语法】格。 a case of poverty 穷苦的状况。 a case for conscience 道义问题,良心问题。 a case for life and death 生死问题。 a case in point 恰当的实例,范例。 a case of smallpox 天花病人。 a civil [criminal] case民事[刑事]诉讼。 a murder case杀人事件[案件]。 a leading case判(决)例。 That is not the case.事实不是那样。 The plaintiff has no case. 原告无话可辩。 a gone case不可救药的人。 a hard case难症;难处的人,难缠的人;无赖,光棍。 a singular case奇例;怪人。 as is often the case 这是常有的事( He was absent, as is often the case. 他没有来,这是常有的事)。 as the case may be 看情形,根据具体情况。 as the case stands 照现在的状况,事实上。 be in good [evil] case 幸福[不幸福],境况好[不好],身体好[不好]。 case by case 逐一,一件一件地;相机行事地,具体问题具体处理。 Circumstances alter cases. 随机应变。 drop a case 撤回诉讼。 give the case for [against] sb. 作出对某人有利[不利]的判决。 in all cases 一切,在一切情况下 (to proceed in all cases from the interests of the people 一切从人民的利益出发)。 in any case 无论如何,总之。 in case 1. 如果,若是,假如万一…,在…的时候〔用作连词〕( In case it should rain, don't expect me. 如果天下雨,我就不来了)。 2. 以防,免得〔用作连词〕(Take your umbrella, in case it rains. 带伞去吧,以防下雨)。 3. 作为准备;以防万一。 〔用作副词〕( It may rain, you'd better take your umbrella (just) in case. 天可能下雨,你最好带上伞以防万一)。 in case of 要是,如果,万一( in case of war 如果[万一]发生战争。 in case of need 遇必要时,在紧急时)。 in nine cases out of ten 十之八九,多半( He will not come in nine cases out of ten. 他十之八九[多半]不会来了)。 in no case 决不。 in some cases 有时候。 in the case of 就…说,至于…,论到,提到。 in this [that] case 既然是这[那]样,假若是这[那]。 just in case 以防万一;作为准备。 lay the case 陈述。 make out [state] one's case 摆明自己的理由。 put (the) case that... 〔古语〕比如说,假定。 such [that] being the case 情况既然如此,因此。 There are cases where.... 有时候…。 n. 1.箱,盒。 2.鞘,袋,套子,壳,罩,容器。 3.外侧,外板;框架。 4.(一)组,一对,两个。 5.〔美俚〕旅行箱。 6.【印刷】活字(分格)盘。 7.〔美口〕元,块。 a jewel case宝石盒。 a knife case刀鞘。 upper [lower] case【印刷】大写[小写]字盘;大写[小写]字母。 work at case排字。 a 5-case note 一张五元钞票。 vt. 1.把…装入箱内[袋内];把…插入鞘内;给…加框。 2.包,围 (with up over)。 3.〔美俚〕查看(地点),观察,窥探(尤指罪犯作案前的察看地点)。 case the joint 〔美俚〕(罪犯作案前的)现场窥探。
  • "case in" 中文翻译 :    下套管
  • "case no" 中文翻译 :    箱号
  • "if; in case" 中文翻译 :    倘或; 倘使
  • "in case" 中文翻译 :    假如,以防(万一)免得; 假如,以访(万一),免得; 假如;免得; 假使 唐山列车时刻表以防(万一); 假使,以防万一; 假使、免得; 假使,以防(万一)免得; 免得,以防万一,说不定; 如果,万一,以防; 如果,以防(有某种情况); 如有; 若,万一,如果; 万一/以防万一; 万一,唯恐; 惟恐、万一、说不定; 箱装的; 一但; 以备; 以便; 以防(万一),假如,免得; 以防万一、在……情况下; 以防万一,万一,免得; 在…的情况下; 在工况三中
  • "in case of" 中文翻译 :    防备,以防; 假借,以防; 假如,防备; 假如,万一; 假如,如果发生,防备; 假如发生,万一发生; 假设, 万一; 假使,万一; 假使...,如果发生...,防备; 倘若,万一; 万一..; 在…情况下; 在...时
  • "in case that" 中文翻译 :    如果
  • "in no case" 中文翻译 :    决不,无论如何不; 绝不,任何时都不; 无论如何都不,在任何情况下决不; 在任何情况下)决不(放于句首时常用倒装结构; 在任何情况下都不(放句首倒装句); 在任何情况下都不(放句首倒装); 在任何情况下都不(放句首倒装句)
  • "in on case" 中文翻译 :    决不,无论如何不; 无论如何都不
  • "in such case" 中文翻译 :    在那样的情形下
  • "in that case" 中文翻译 :    假如那样的话; 假若那样的话; 内么; 如果是那样的话; 在那种情况下; 这么说


  • In any case he was going to stay away from the general .
  • In any case you had better hear what your wife has to say .
  • In any case you had better hear what your wife has to say .
  • In any case their names were in the caption at the bottom .
  • Prisoners held the longest were being released earliest in any case .
  • In any case the ideal and the real must always be referred to one another .
  • In any case it was to chenla that the sovereignty over funan was transferred .
  • The chemistry students had less time for play than the arts people in any case .
  • In any case porsche had personally taken over hitler's bias for super-heaviness .
  • In any case we hated to see her so unhappy, so we never went to see her .
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
用"in any case"造句  


  • used to indicate that a statement explains or supports a previous statement; "Anyhow, he is dead now"; "I think they''re asleep; anyhow, they''re quiet"; "I don''t know what happened to it; anyway, it''s gone"; "anyway, there is another factor to consider"; "I don''t know how it started; in any case, there was a brief scuffle"; "in any event, the government faced a serious protest"; "but at any rate he got a knighthood for it"
    同义词:anyhow, anyway, anyways, at any rate, in any event, anyhow, anyway, anyways, at any rate, in any event,

  • making an additional point; anyway; "I don''t want to go to a restaurant; besides, we can''t afford it"; "she couldn''t shelter behind him all the time and in any case he wasn''t always with her"
    同义词:besides, besides,

  • used to indicate that a statement explains or supports a previous statement; "Anyhow, he is dead now"; "I think they''re asleep; anyhow, they''re quiet"; "I don''t know what happened to it; anyway, it''s gone"; "anyway, there is another factor to consider"; "I don''t know how it started; in any case, there was a brief scuffle"; "in any event, the government faced a serious protest"; "but at any rate he got a knighthood for it"
    同义词:anyhow, anyway, anyways, at any rate, in any event, anyhow, anyway, anyways, at any rate, in any event,

  • making an additional point; anyway; "I don''t want to go to a restaurant; besides, we can''t afford it"; "she couldn''t shelter behind him all the time and in any case he wasn''t always with her"
    同义词:besides, besides,


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